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Achieve Continuous Compliance and Break the Cycles of Non-compliance.

China wants to access your secrets. Russia wants to hobble your operations. And ransomware groups want to shut you down and humiliate you for a price. Even for Civilian and Intelligence Agencies that are accustomed to swimming with sharks, the waters are getting increasingly dangerous. It’s true for you, for the DoD, and for all the many contractors in your supply chain. When times are hard, your systems need to be harder.

SteelCloud’s ConfigOS automates scanning and remediation for STIG, CIS Benchmarks and other NIST 800-53 based protocols. ConfigOS scans and remediates thousands of endpoints an hour, reducing effort by 90% and costs by 70%. That’s not just an ideal, either. It has been proven in our nation’s most prized classified and unclassified environments, tactical programs, weapon systems, disconnected labs, and cloud applications for 15 years.

ConfigOS’s facility in meeting both STIG and CIS benchmarks, as well as in creating customized policies, gives organizations the flexibility and agility to meet FISMA and NIST 800-53 obligations with minimal effort and time. With affordable implementation and incremental licensing for rollouts, ConfigOS pays for itself from its first use. Whether used for cloud-based citizen-facing applications or on-prem classified environments, ConfigOS will help you maintain continual compliance, break cycles of non-compliance, lock systems down and say goodbye to bad actors once and for all.

Be Cybersecure
ConfigOS Automates Compliance
ConfigOS pays for itself from its first use.
It’s a no-brainer!

Now all that’s left is to experience it for yourself.